
Our company is doing a cutover to a new SAP. The system has the potential of being down for 3 to 16 days. I will be recording all of our packaged products. I plan on using Userforms that log all the information in excel sheets for my tech's to use while SAP is down. I know that i have to save the spreadsheets to TXT delimited before trying to use LSMW. My question is there any certain way i need to have the spreadsheet set up as far as format? I have never used LSMW before so it will be a learning experience to say the least. Any other information or direction would be appreciated.

1 month


Jimbo's picture

The file format requirements for LSMW are pretty simple. The first row in the TXT file is a list of headers that list the contents of the columns below.

The Userforms tool defaults to this format of vertical columns of data topped with header fields. Once your SAP system is back online, just copy-paste the data from Excel into a TXT file for import to LSMW.

This whitepaper describes the best way to transport data from Excel to Notepad. It starts by explaining how to import to Excel from Notepad, so skip to about the middle.